Monday, March 30, 2009

WA6 Draft 1/2

Arigato, my name is Hideki Takanawa, and what you see behind me is my home. I was born in a small town of Otsu, in the Kansai Region, east of Kyoto. Growing up in Japan I was tought that through discipline, success would be rewarded. As a child I rarely got to connect with my parents or siblings, but I still managed to pass thouse tougher years. Now I am a buisness man working for a large scale corpororation, in the Otemachi District in Tokyo. But what I am about to tell you is a story of a buisness trip that changed my life.

The quiet sun rays penetrated my bedroom windows and settled on my eyes. I woke up without alarm that day, I wanted to relax before my fourteen hour journey to the US. I finally got up and with sloth like posture, proceeded to my kitchen. My breakfast consisted of, asa-gohan (a bowl of rice), miso soup and an omelet roll. It was delicious, yet ordinary for the people of my nation.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WA5 finald draft (late)

Today was the day. The day that most young people dream of. I was in the bathroom making sure everything was perfect, it had to be. I heard my mom call "Honey, hurry up!", Then responded "I'm comin', I'm comin'". Sweat dripped down my for head like water down a waterfall, boy was I nervous. I finally left the bathroom and proceeded to the limo in which was going to the church. That car ride was like a roller-coaster it was fast and made me anxious.
We finally got there, I saw him. He was so calm and so amazing. I was so excited to spend the rest of my years with him. We went up the aisle with smiling faces watching us contently. Then the priest did his stuff and he said those magical words "Do you take John to be your husband?" I splurted out "I do!" and then we kissed it was truly a magnificent moment the most important in my life so far. We then proceded to eat the wedding cake, it was delicious.

I sat on the table, observing the wedding from close distance. She was beautiful, and so was he. Such a lovely couple. But I wouldn't be here long enough to witness the whole thing. I started to get nervous. My sweet sugar trickled down my layers. The wedding continued at a accelerated rate, maybe to accelerated for me. The priest joined them together in holy matrimony. The bride looked so happy, the twinkle in her eyes sparkled like a sea of diamonds. They kissed and everyone clapped. If I had arms I would've as well but unfortunately i don't. I felt joy for the newly united couple but sadness for my ghastly fate. Then the time came. My last few minutes. My heart pounded like a thousand bongo drums as the guests approached me, eying my body with malcontent. They grabbed the cake cutter and then slice after slice i became nothing but a delectable item, no longer whole. Now I sit in the stomach of some unknown guest wondering what my fate will be. Hopefully something better than my cousin the cookie. We can say his life went down the drain.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WA5 draft 2

Today was the day. The day that most young people dream of. I was in the bathroom making sure everything was perfect, it had to be. I heard my mom call "Honey, hurry up!", Then responded "I'm comin', I'm comin'". Sweat dripped down my for head like water down a waterfall, boy was I nervous. I finally left the bathroom and proceeded to the limo in which was going to the church. That car ride was like a roller-coaster it was fast and made me anxious.

We finally got there, I saw him. He was so calm and so amazing. I was so excited to spend the rest of my years with him. We went up the aisle with smiling faces watching us contently. Then the priest did his stuff and he said those magical words "Do you take John to be your husband?" I splurted out "I do!" and then we kissed it was truly a magnificent moment the most important in my life so far. We then proceded to eat the wedding cake, it was delicious.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

WA5 draft 1 revised edition

I sat on the table, observing the wedding from close distance. She was beautiful, and so was he. Such a lovely couple. But I wouldn't be here long enough to witness the whole thing. I started to get nervous. My sweet sugar trickled down my layers. The wedding continued at a accelerated rate, maybe to accelerated for me. The priest joined them together in holy matrimony. The bride looked so happy, the twinkle in her eyes sparkled like a sea of diamonds. They kissed and everyone clapped. If I had arms I would've as well but unfortunately i don't. I felt joy for the newly united couple but sadness for my ghastly fate. Then the time came. My last few minutes. My heart pounded like a thousand bongo drums as the guests approached me, eying my body with malcontent. They grabbed the cake cutter and then slice after slice i became nothing but a delectable item, no longer whole. Now I sit in the stomach of some unknown guest wondering what my fate will be. Hopefully something better than my cousin the cookie. We can say his life went down the drain.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

WA5 draft 1

I sat on the table, observing the wedding from close distance. She was beautiful, and so was he. Such a lovely couple. But I wouldn't be here long enough to witness the whole thing. I started to get nervous. My sugary sweet trickled down my layers. The wedding continued at a accelerated rate, maybe to accelerated for me. Then the time came. My last few minutes. My heart pounded like a thousand bongo drums as the guests approached me, eying my body with malcontent. They grabbed the cake cutter and then slice after slice i became nothing but a delictable item, no longer whole. Now i sit in the stomach of some unknown guest wondering what my fate will be. Hopefully something better than my cousin the cookie. We can say his life went down the drain.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

WA4 draft 2

Dear Mr. Obama,

My most humble regards for your election. You are a beacon of light in these dark times, and I fully understand the responsibility you hold on your broad shoulders. I hope you proceed, repelling all the blind bullets of criticism that may pass your way.

I fear the ward has a doubtful future for my, and future generations. With ongoing warfare, gobal climate change and economic distress at hand, I would like to acknowledge what you have in store to make this world a better place.

Now if I held your most prestigious occupation, I would work hard to bring global peace, sending aid to conflict zones instead of troops. I would also create more jobs for my hard working citizens and try to inform the public about excess spending.

You are and will be an american hero, and I hope you shimmer in the murky times of today.

Sincerely, GAbriel pham