Wednesday, February 18, 2009

WA5 draft 1

I sat on the table, observing the wedding from close distance. She was beautiful, and so was he. Such a lovely couple. But I wouldn't be here long enough to witness the whole thing. I started to get nervous. My sugary sweet trickled down my layers. The wedding continued at a accelerated rate, maybe to accelerated for me. Then the time came. My last few minutes. My heart pounded like a thousand bongo drums as the guests approached me, eying my body with malcontent. They grabbed the cake cutter and then slice after slice i became nothing but a delictable item, no longer whole. Now i sit in the stomach of some unknown guest wondering what my fate will be. Hopefully something better than my cousin the cookie. We can say his life went down the drain.

1 comment:

  1. I can't give you full credit for this. It is rushed and does not meet the word requirement. The idea is creative, but you needed to spend much more time fleshing it out.
